York store number 2 opens at Clifton Moor

We have a double celebration today we welcome 2 new stores to our estate.
First up is our second store in York. The store is located on Stirling Road, just off the A1237 by the Clifton Moor Retail Park. This store has a slightly different look and feel with a lovely blue theme. This store was beautifully designed by Katie McSweeney and Ray Morgan was design manager for this project.
Huge thanks to Paul Newman at JSP who looked after construction at Clifton Moor and has done a great job with the fit out.
Also, thanks to Ashley Cooper for project managing this store along with our very own new store openings manager Gemma Barrett with help from Jack Williamson.
I am sure you will agree that the store looks fantastic and our new customers certainly think so!
Deanna and her team in Clifton Moor and ready and waiting to bring you a little Christmas cheer and a caffeine boost to see you through to the weekend and beyond!
Pop in and say hi!
#newstoreopening #newstore #newopportunities #starbucks #starbucksuk #localjobs