The first of many for 2023 - Sheffield Parkway opens!

We are excited to announce the opening of our 94th store at Sheffield Parkway S2 5AU this morning. Converted from a previous carphone warehouse unit, I am sure you will agree that the new Starbucks store looks fantastic!
This is our first store of 2023 and the beginning of a very busy quarter where we will be adding quite a few more stores to our porfolio.
As ever, these beautiful sites don't happen by chance and we would like to thank Anja Schröder who designed the store along with Christopher William Cook who was the design manager for this store. JSP Building Services Ltd and Paul Newman have done a stunning fit out for us and everything was managed under the watchful eyes of Ashley Cooper. Thanks also to Gemma Barrett and Jack Williamson who have both supported along the way and been super busy this week getting the store ready to serve customers!
So the doors are now open! Why not pop along to say hi to Mel and her team and get a little Starbucks pick-me-up whilst you are there!
#newstore #newstoreopening #growth #growthopportunities #jobopportunities