Clatterbridge Opens!

We are delighted to announce our latest store opening and the first in our new financial year. No doubt first of many!
Give a warm welcome to Clatterbridge Drive Thru; our first store tin the Wirral. Located on Mount Road at CH63 4JZ
A big thank you to designer Theya Natarajan and the design manager Ray Morgan from Starbucks. And as ever, the store has been beautifully built by Christopher Armstrong and JSP Building Services Ltd
Clatterbridge is also the first in 23.5 degrees to showcase the external digital menu screens which look amazing! I'm sure you will all agree how fantastic the store looks.
The store opened to a great start and the team have already welcomed a lot of the NHS team from the hospital opposite who have all been telling us they have waited so long for us to open.
I'm sure you will all want to join us in wishing Chris, Summer, Johnny and the rest of team Clatterbridge every success for the future and if you are in the area, do drop in say hi!
#newstore #newstoreopening #newopportunities #starbucks #starbuckscoffee #growth #growthopportunities